SME Roundtable


This roundtable format aims to provide SMEs to get feedbacks and best practices from peers which share the same challenges.

This accountability structure helps to keep the managers focused and on track. A great opportunity to benefit from this community who brainstorm together to help participants to move to the next step.

Upcoming Events

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  • 3 times a year


  • Managers of SME with headquarters outside Singapore and staff below 20 people


Contact: Vanessa Hobbs


Past Events

Event report

Past Event | SME Roundtable - December 2023

Our last SME Roundtable of the year took place this Tuesday 12 December over lunch. Each participant had the opportunity to present their business and...

Event report

Past Event | SME Roundtable - April 2023

We were delighted to host our SME Roundtable session – a fantastic opportunity platform for members to discuss challenges and best practices! Special...

Event report

Past Event | SME Roundtable - January 2023

We were delighted to host the first SME Roundtable of 2023 – a fantastic opportunity platform for members to discuss challenges and best practices! ...

Event report

Past Event| [IN PERSON] SME Roundtable 2022

The French Chamber hosted the SME Roundtable – a fantastic opportunity platform to discuss challenges and best practices with fellow members! Special...

Event report


In the first SME Roundtable of 2021, our participants discussed topics like how to retain staff in the midst of 'job-hopping mentality' in the...

Event report

SME Roundtable - December 2020

At the French Chamber's last SME Roundtable of the year, our participants discussed trends of the market, how to adapt to organisational changes from...

Event report

SME Roundtable - November 2020

The French Chamber's SME Roundtable took place in person for the first time since Phase 1, where company leaders across sectors discussed recruitment...


SME Roundtable - June 2020

The 5th SME Roundtable took place via video conference, where company leaders across sectors discussed  the "New Normal" -  new business (promotion of...


SME Roundtable - May 2020

The 4th SME Roundtable took place via video conference, where participants discussed how they cope working from home (team motivation, anticipating...

Event report

SME Roundtable - April 2020

The 3rd SME Roundtable took place via video conference, in these unique COVID19 circumstances. Topics discussed centered on how the global crisis has...

Event report

SME Roundtable - January 2020

The first SME Roundtable took place last week, giving each participant an opportunity platform to discuss challenges and achievements, particularly...