
Towards Sustainable Business

Since 2020, the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

We view sustainable businesses as businesses which create a positive economic, social and environmental impact, thus creating shared value. The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore’s ambition is to accompany its members through advocacy, engagement, helping to accelerate progress and fostering collaborations.

The 4 pillars of this strategy are to:

  • Offer expert events on sustainability and give access to knowledge to help all members towards becoming sustainable businesses
  • Promote the expertise of our members in the field and foster collaborations with Singaporean entities
  • Integrate sustainability as part of our services
  • Become a sustainable chamber by integrating sustainability into our operations


Launched in 2015 by the United Nations, the 17 Global Goals aim to end poverty by 2030 while protecting our planet’s environment. We are at the start of the “decade of action”. To cut emissions, address climate change and inequality, businesses have stepped up to respond to the new reality of a changed climate. The sustainability revolution is already transforming our economies and the companies that drive them.


Singapore has pledged under the Paris Agreement to reduce its emissions by 36% below 2005 levels by 2030 and to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions with the aim of peaking in 2030. The city state has the ambition of pioneering a smart and sustainable city model and of moving towards a circular economy. It has set targets on increasing its overall recycling rate to 70% and to reduce 30% reduction of waste by 2030. With these objectives in mind, Singapore is counting on businesses to help build a resilient and sustainable Singapore.


The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore believes that taking part in a sustainable future while promoting sustainable business is key to its mission. With it comes the possibility to make a more efficient use of limited resources, boost profitability, create well-paid and knowledge intensive jobs, take advantage of new enabling technologies and ultimately contribute to the growth of businesses and countries in a cleaner and healthier environment.



Discover more about our Commitment to Sustainability

Read our latest news and events on sustainability in Singapore