Flagship events

Supply Chain Symposium

Leading global corporations discuss how innovation is improving customer experience across supply chain operations.

Annual Gala Dinner

Organised each year to celebrate the strong friendship and business relations between France and Singapore.

Asean Tech Awards

Emerging technologies and enterprise solutions to bridge the gap and foster the collaboration between corporates and...

Welcome to Singapore

This annual “rendezvous” is to invite all newcomers to participate in a first gathering within the French business community...


The French Chamber partnered with International Coastal Cleanup Singapore to gather the business community to contribute to...

Asia Startup Summit

Collaboration between start-ups and large corporates is key for fostering innovation. In today’s rapidly changing business...

Smart Health Summit

Smarthealth project has been initiatied 3 years ago to bring together the French expertise in the healthcare sector to meet...

La Galette des Rois

Discover our traditional New Year networking event! Join us and enjoy two glasses of cider, beer or wine, finger food, and of...

Bonjour Talents

Bonjour Talents, is the annual edition of the French Chamber’s French career fair.

Sponsor an event

We are always looking for sponsors to enhance the quality of our events.
Be visible before, during and after the event!

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