Fair & Exhibition
SingaporeTastin' France 2025
The must-attend professional wine and champagne tasting event for B2B professionals
The Agri-Food sector in Singapore is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, concerns about food security and sustainability and robust governmental support as highlighted by their 30 by 30 national initiative aimed at ensuring that Singapore can produce 30% of its nutritional needs locally by the year 2030.
This presents significant opportunities for businesses around innovation, investment, and collaboration both domestically and internationally.
Despite its limited land area and lack of natural resources, Singapore has made significant strides in developing a resilient and efficient Agri-food ecosystem. Through strategic investments in technology, research, and entrepreneurship, Singapore continues to transform its Agri-Food landscape, positioning itself as a leading player in the global food industry.
The Agri-Food Innovation Committee aims to:
This is a platform for discussion for members from sectors linked to Agri-food, biotechnology, bioenergy, farm robotics and management systems, food safety and traceability, innovative food etc
Fair & Exhibition
SingaporeThe must-attend professional wine and champagne tasting event for B2B professionals
Committee • …
Marina Bay Sands Expo • SingaporeLe salon No.1 de la filière agrifood tech de la zone Asie-Pacifique
Event report
Event report
Event report
List of Agri-Food Agencies In Singapore:
Post Event with Mr Lim Kok Thai, CEO of Singapore Food Agency (SFA), by Mr Jean-Yves Broussy
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