Alexandre WATTINNEManaging Director of CMA CGM International Shipping Company (CCISC)

Managing Director CMA-CGM
Mr. Alexandre Wattinne is Managing Director of CCISC (CMA CGM International Shipping Company), a ship management company in charge of Fleet related operations & Ship management activities for CMA CGM Group & CMA Ships in Singapore.
CCISC mission is going from Technical & ISM management of 90 container ships, to Procurement & Logistics of spares or technical support to ship related projects (Upgrades, Retrofits, IT).
Following an experience of Watch Officer in French navy in 2003 and his engineering studies, Mr. Alexandre Wattinne lead some construction projects in the Offshore industry (self propelled jack up barges and AHTS ships) in the middle East and Asia regions.
He then joined CMA CGM Group in 2006 going through different positions within CMA Ships organization: Superintendant, Newbuilding Project Manager, Fleet Manager, ship management and corporate responsibilities in Singapore during the integration of APL by CMA CGM in 2016.
Mr. Wattinne graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Paris, Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (Propulsion, Combustion)