Antoine TrieuxHydrogen and Low Carbon Energies | O&G Infrastructures at Natixis

Antoine is in charge of the Mid and Downstream O&G sector at Natixis which encompasses all sectors that relate to the transportation and/or transformation of O&G (i.e. pipelines, storage facilities, LNG, Petrochemicals, Refineries, FPSOs, gas utilities).
Antoine has the responsibility to develop Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking business in this sector.
Antoine has been following the Mid and Downstream O&G sector for more than 15 years through a number of lending or advisory mandates he has been involved in, mainly in the Europe, Middle East and Africa area.
Antoine has gained experience in the industry working at CACIB (2003-2005) and then Natixis (from 2006).
Antoine has a Master in Management and Finance from Université Paris Dauphine and a Master in Finance from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Université Paris X