Bernard AwEconomist for the Asia Pacific Region, COFACE

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Bernard Aw is the Economist for Asia Pacific region at Coface since December 2020. He has over a decade of experience in macroeconomic analysis and monitoring of Asian economies. With his rich experience, Bernard cover macroeconomic and geopolitical developments in his region. He contributes to informing the Group’s “risk decision makers” of developments to help them make the correct decisions and promote Coface’s expertise within a large external communication.

Prior to joining Coface in Singapore, he was Principal Economist at IHS Markit. His other previous roles include Market Strategist for IG Asia and Regional Economist at 4CAST. Bernard has also conducted research on trade and economic issues at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs. Bernard holds a M.Sc. in Economics from the Singapore Management University and a B.Sc. in Economics and Finance from the University of London.

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