Kian Hui NgAudit Partner at BDO LLP Singapore

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More than 28 years experience in Public Accounting and Auditing in Singapore and China of public listed companies /MNC/SMEs/State Owned Enterprise in industries ranging from manufacturing, technology, oil & gas exploitation, shipping, utilities, information technology, education, wholesale, retail, property development, construction and trading.

Experienced in managing multi-location audit and assurance services involving clients with operations in China, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe United States of America and Dubai.

To be a trusted advisor/partner to CEO/CFO/Management in partnering towards growth and expansion locally and internationally.

To contribute positively to the accounting and auditing community towards enhancing quality of audit and image of the accounting profession.

Specialties: Assurance and Accounting Advisory for public listed companies/Multinational Corporation/Small Medium Enterprise with local and international operations; Initial Public Offers - Singapore /Hong Kong / US; Internal Audit and Risk Management; Management Accounting & Reporting

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