O’Niel DissanayakeCEO APAC at Socomec


A business leader with 24 years of experience out of which 17yrs with Schneider Electric, O’Niel brings a diverse experience from across AsiaPacific and a unique understanding of the power industry cut across, sales, marketing, product development, business development, P&L management, commercial, merger & acquisitions and setting up & managing JV partnership.

In 2004, set up the SE operations in Sri Lanka Maldives and moved to Shanghai China in 2010 to lead the Mid-market strategy and offer marketing deployment. In 2013, he moved to a new role to set up channel marketing and development for Partner Projects and joined the Power Products commercial team in 2014 to lead APAC. Latest role in SE was in 2020 for the merger office to integrate L&T acquisition to growth Export & international business. 


O’Niel holds business leadership and management certificates from UNC- KENAN-FLAGLER Business School - USA, Indian Institute of Management (IIMA) - India and National Institute of Business Management - Sri Lanka. Under-graduate Masters in Leading Innovation & Change at YSJU/RKCB.



SOCOMEC  •  Singapore


The French Chamber is organising the next session of ‘Meet the CEO’, a great opportunity for Entrepreneurs & SMEs to connect with MNCs.

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