Satheesh Kumar Thangaraj, PhDHead - Medical Affairs (ASEAN) at bioMerieux

Dr. Satheesh THANGARAJ holds M.Sc and Ph.D in Medical Microbiology and has 25 years of working experience in Clinical Microbiology domain. He has received training in infection control practices and antimicrobial stewardship support. His specific field of interests are diagnostic clinical microbiology, molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases, Antimicrobial resistance, critical infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis, Sepsis and B- cell immune response in TB.  

Presently is leading Medical affairs department as head for bioMérieux in ASEAN countries. He leads medical affairs programs such as field clinical studies, medical education programs, young investigator award programs, point prevalence surveys, etc.  

Started his carrier in Dept of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College & Hospital as research associate and worked on prevalence of S.pneumomiae and H.influenzae, incidence of MRSA, etc. Later at Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd, lead developmental projects for diagnosis of infectious diseases. Also worked on the product development and clinical trial for phage based diagnostic method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  

Joined bioMerieux in the year of 2000 and held various positions in scientific support, research project management and medical affairs. Deputed to R&D Dept, bioMerieux Sa, France, for two years to develop Immunoassay based diagnostic test for Tuberculosis. Later managed a multi centric field study on methods for Tuberculosis diagnosis in India jointly conducted by ICMR and Foundation Mérieux. Also consulted and coordinated for projects in Tuberculosis and HIV-TB Coinfection for National CDC, Beijing. Later, he lead a collaborative research project between Institute Mérieux and A*STAR of Singapore in identifying genomic biomarkers for Tuberculosis.  

Published in peer reviewed journals in the field of tuberculosis and bacterial antibiotic resistance. Member of Indian association of Medical Microbiologist, European Society of clinical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and Singapore Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (SSMB). 

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