
Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2016, the company generated revenues of €67 billion and employed a workforce of around 134,000. Singapore is a key market for Airbus, with a relationship dating back over 40 years. Airbus has sold almost 600 civil passenger aircraft to airlines and leasing companies in Singapore to date, making the country one of the top five markets for the company in the region.

In the military sector, Airbus has supplied over 60 helicopters to Singapore’s air force, including 35 large transport Super Pumas. In 2016, the country signalled its confidence in the H225M Super Puma with a new order for its future medium lift requirements.

Airbus has established an extensive presence in Singapore with a number of locally-incorporated subsidiaries focusing on regional customer support, maintenance and training operations. These include the Airbus Asia Training Centre, Airbus Services Asia Pacific, Satair Airbus Singapore Centre, and Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia. Airbus and Singapore are also partners on advanced research and technology (R&T) initiatives. Key projects include Skyways and the Hangar of the Future.

The company’s activities in Singapore bring multiple direct benefits to the local economy, with revenues generated in the country through its operations and supply chain having reached almost SGD 1 billion per year. Airbus employs over 700 staff locally, many in highly skilled positions.

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