
'bioMérieux, a major player of in vitro diagnostics and world leader in clinical microbiology and industrial microbiological control, contributes to the quality of patient care and the safety of consumers. Across the globe, our  teams develop high medical value diagnostic applications that address public health challenges and laboratories’ needs.   We develop and produce in vitro diagnostic solutions (instruments, reagents and software) for private and hospital laboratories, mainly for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.  For 25 years, we applied the expertise acquired in the clinical sector to meeting industrial microbiology needs, making it possible to manage contamination risk in agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products at each step of the production chain.   bioMérieux is a family-owned company created in 1963. Today in more than 150 countries through 42 subsidiaries and a large network of partners, our expertise and commitment to expand the frontiers of knowledge in biology are grounded in an entrepreneurial adventure ongoing for more than one century. 

  • Address:

11 Biopolis Way, Helios #10-04


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