
ENGIE is committed to taking on the major challenges of the energy revolution, towards a world more decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised. 

ENGIE Services Singapore is a leading provider of integrated services across various customer segments: aviation, healthcare, education, government, commercial, industrial, hospitality, transportation, etc. With a focus on mission-critical facilities in Singapore, we offer integrated solutions in:

  • Energy Efficiency Solutions (Accredited ESCO)
  • Integrated Facilities Management
  • District Cooling
  • Transportation and Green Mobility
  • Data Centre Maintenance & Management

ENGIE Axima is a world leader in climate engineering, refrigeration & building automation systems, developing competitive and effective solutions to optimise buildings, environments and processes, and overall control from design to implementation. 

ENGIE Lab Singapore (ELS) is ENGIE’s regional hub for energy innovation & technology, with a focus on sustainable and green energy development: smart energy systems for cities and islands, industrial energy efficiency and gas technologies. ELS launched several projects in Smart Energies: PowerZee, a Building Energy Efficiency gamification & crowdsourcing app and the Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator Singapore (REIDS) program with an initiative, SPORE. ELS deployed Singapore’s first long-span wind turbine at Semakau Landfill in October 2017.

  • Address:

108 Pasir Panjang Road #05-04 Golden Agri Plaza SINGAPORE  118535


  • Site Web:
