The Chamber

Employment Pass (EP) and Quota: Thruth or Myth?

What is a quota ?

A quota is the maximum ratio of foreign workers to the total workforce that a company, in a given sector, can employ

Meaning the company needs a certain number of local employees - Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents (PR) - to be able to hire a non-PR foreigner and apply for a work pass for him/her.

The number of EP holders a company can hire, is not limited by a quota.

However, employers do have quotas on Work Permit and S Pass for example, varying according to the sector the company is working in (construction, manufacturing, services, etc.).

In addition, employers must adhere to the fair employment practices in accordance with TAFEP guidelines. They also need to assess the file eligibility before any EP application, using the COMPASS system. 

If you are looking for candidates and need a comprehensive professional service from recruitment to work pass application (if needed), while complying with Singapore regulations, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We have an Employment Agency licence* since 2010 and all our team members in charge of our recruitment and MOM passes application services are certified Employment Agents.

Contact us for more information: bizsupport(@)

*EA licence no. 10C4756

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