
As an intern, please consult regularly our ads and contact directly the companies.

You can also apply to internships at French, Singaporean and foreign companies. You can find the list of the French Chamber members on our online Members' Directory.

Regarding visa for an internship in Singapore, you have to get a WHP (Work Holiday Pass), a TEP (Training Employment pass) or a Student Pass. Before you embark on an active search, please check on the MOM website to see if your school is eligible for one of the visas mentioned!

The WHP allows eligible students and young graduates to work and holiday in Singapore for up to 6 months. To be eligible you need these requirements:

  • You are aged 18 to 25
  • You are an undergraduate or graduate of an university in Australia, France, Germany, Honk Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or United States.

Your university is recognised by the government of the respective nine countries. You can look at the top 200 in any of the academic rankings to see some examples.

  • For undergraduates: You have been a resident and a full-time student of the university (on-campus) for at least 3 months before applying for the pass.
  • For graduates: You were a resident and a full-time student of the university (on-campus).

NOTA: If you can't get an "internship convention" from your university and you are working for less than 183 days in Singapore, all revenues perceived during your internship will be subject to non-residents tax at the flat rate of 15%.

Quota is changing every year, since 2016 the capacity is 2,000 places at any one time.

For information about Volontariat International en Entreprise (VIE), see here (information in French).


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