Training Human Resources

WORKSHOP - Cultivating Success: A Deep Dive into Psychological Safety and Leadership


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For members only

Price: Members: $10


Event ended.

Join us for this workshop on psychological safety

Psychological safety in the workplace has many benefits at the individual, team, and organisation levels. From individuals who are more engaged and motivated, teams that demonstrate higher performance, to companies that are more innovative and able to adapt to change, psychological safety has proven to be a precursor and key driver.

While Psychological Safety’s benefits are now well known and well established, many leaders and organisations still ponder where to start to create and cultivate a positive and safe climate within their teams?

In this workshop, animated by Marie-Laure Caille, Founder and Director at The Human Factor, we will discuss the following questions:

  • What is psychological safety?
  • What are its benefits at the individual, team, and organisation levels?

We will then focus on sharing practical advice on how participants can positively contribute to creating and developing psychological safety in their teams.

We will propose activities and reflection questions on:

  • How can psychological safety be increased in a team and an organisation?
  • What are the specific skills that leaders can develop and the behaviours that they can demonstrate to create and reinforce the right climate with their teams?

We will include a mix of concepts and examples, and help participants identify actions that they can take, and leadership behaviours that they can adopt with their teams.




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